Electropherogram quality analysis - References

Togawa, R.C. and Brigido, M.M. (2003). PHPH: Web based tool for simple electropherogram quality 
   analysis. 1st  International  Conference  on  Bioinformatics  and  Computational Biology - 
   IcoBiCoBi 14th to 16th May 2003. Ribeirão Preto.[PDF]
Togawa, R.C.; Brigido, M.M.; Santos, C.M.R.; Júnior M.T. (2006). The use of the PHPH tool to 
   assembly the gene sequences that are candidate to the biotic and abiotic stress in Musa 
   acumitana. XXXV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
   (SBBq) - Aguas de Lindoia - SP - Brazil - 2006.[PDF]

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